ConsolePlug XB-3621 Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L 0079FK DVD Driver for XBOX 360
- Direct Dump and Direct Flash over all versions of GDR3120L drives
even the 0079 FK drives.
- Allow copy-paste of the keys between firmare not matter if
they are crypted or not or if they are different vendor or
even better, not matter which version of Fw (46,47,59,78 etc)
- Do common firmware tasks with a mouse click
- Supports Samsung and Hitachi firmwares All Versions
- Shows Vendor, ROM version and also if its CRYPTED or NOT
- Allow crypt or decrypt the files
- Shows the 16 byte Keys not matter if the file is Crypted
- Allows adding of TAGS to a KEY like Owner, Serial No, Date.
(Dont worry, the tags are not saved onto firmware file)
- Fully Integrated with Windows Context Menu (like winrar)
- Fully Supports 512 KB firmwares (2 banks)